Beauty care for feet:
incorporating foot care into your beauty regime

Written by Marion, Aesthetician/Cosmetician | published on | updated on 17/04/2024

Beauty care for feet: incorporating foot care into your beauty regime

Our feet are one of the hardest working parts of our bodies and yet we sometimes put less thought into their care than the care of our face or hands. What should we do for beautiful feet?

Baby-soft feet

Feet have a hard life! They are almost permanently in contact with synthetic socks, tights or shoes, they don’t see the light of day for a large part of the year, they carry our weight and are subjected to repeated compression, rubbing and impact. The skin on the feet becomes thick and hardened, and once calluses appear, they are difficult to remove.

It is therefore worth taking a few minutes to establish a daily footcare routine, ensuring you have smooth, beautiful feet with soft, supple skin!

When it comes to footcare, moisturising your feet each day is the most important thing to do. The ideal time to do this is at night before going to bed. This will allow your feet to gain the full effect of the cream during the night. Switching between moisturisers, nourishing creams and massage oils will give the best results.

To get rid of callouses from your feet, a weekly soak in warm saltwater will soften the skin before you exfoliate. Use a hammam glove or pumice stone to gently scrub your skin, concentrating on the driest areas. We don’t advise using a foot rasp to exfoliate the feet as these tend to be harsher on the skin. If you have cracked skin, first apply an emollient to the affected areas and then exfoliate gently so as not to enlarge the cracks. Creams and ointments containing at least 30 % urea are particularly effective at removing dead skin.

Beautiful nails for beautiful feet

Caring for your toenails should form an important part of your footcare routine! They are often neglected and overlooked when it comes to beauty routines, other than a coat of nail varnish during the summer months.

Toenails should be cut straight across with a nail clipper or a sharp pair of scissors. They should be short enough that they are not squeezed by the front of the shoe but not too short, as this can cause ingrown toenails. They can then be gently smoothed using a nail file.

Brushing the toenails in the shower once or twice a week will allow you to remove dead skin. Massaging the area around the nail with oil is an effective way to soften the cuticles. You should never remove your cuticles as this can be painful and cause infection. A good tip for smooth, glossy nails is to buff them with a chamois leather! Its gently abrasive action will polish the surface of the nail, so all you need to do is apply your nail polish!

Cosset your feet for long-lasting comfort

The complex structure of the feet enables them to carry out their most important task, that of walking and supporting the rest of the body. They contain no fewer than 26 bones, dozens of ligaments and around fifteen muscles to control their movement (some of which are located higher up the leg and connected to the feet by tendons).

Your choice of shoes is extremely important. Some styles of shoe force the feet to tense and adopt a harmful position, such as flip flops, which force the toes to curl. High-heeled shoes and ballerina flats are terrible for the bones. Wearing ballerina flats too often can cause deformities and chronic pain. The ideal shoe is not too tight and not too pointed, with a heel slightly higher than the toe to ensure that your back is properly supported.

A massage without or without oils is the perfect way to relax the feet, boost circulation and loosen the muscles. There is a range of massage techniques, but why not try the following: lengthen and knead your toes, apply circular pressure to the pads, press down firmly from the arch of the toes towards the heels. Finish by massaging the heels, starting with the inside of the foot and moving outwards.

Children’s feet
Children’s feet need to be looked after throughout childhood and beyond. They take their first steps with bare feet and this is the ideal time to buy their first shoes, which should be supple and light yet provide effective support to the ankles. Avoid shoes with an arch support and these may cause flat feet. At the age of 3-4, you can take your child to a podiatrist to check the feet for abnormalities. Ensure that toenails are cut to avoid pain and incorrect foot positioning. Babies love a gentle foot massage, so go ahead and indulge them!

Minor foot complaints

Foot or toe problems are common, and it is important to treat them so that they don’t affect the beauty of your feet.

Fungal infections are prevalent as a result of confining our feet to a moist environment. This is particularly problematic for people who are more prone to sweating or who wear synthetic shoes. To prevent fungal infections, go barefoot as often as possible, always dry the feet well after showering and choose cotton or bamboo socks rather than synthetic fibres. You should also sprinkle talc inside your shoes to absorb moisture. Fungal nail or foot infections need long-term treatment with anti-fungal creams or lotions (sometimes for several months).

Verrucas are more common among children as they have less immunity to the virus that causes them. They are contagious but not serious unless they become too widespread and become painful. They can be removed by applying anti-verruca gels at home or by visiting a dermatologist for liquid nitrogen cryotherapy.

Corns are caused by the build-up of dead skin, often resulting from excessive friction. Once again, the best solution is to soften, nourish, moisturise and exfoliate the affected area.

These should not be confused with “bunions” or hallux valgus, a joint deformity on the side of the big toe which can become uncomfortable and painful and must be treated orthopaedically, but can only be corrected with surgery.

Whether you're looking for nourishing moisturising creams, emollient or exfoliating products, deodorants or pedicure tools, find everything you need for beautiful feet at Cocooncenter!

Beauty care for feet: three key takeaways:

  • The secret to beautiful feet is effective moisturisation!
  • But that does not mean damp feet! A damp, stagnant environment is the ideal breeding ground for fungal infections and bad smells...
  • Toenails are delicate so don’t forget to include them in you!
Regarding the author
Certificated in Aesthetic/Cosmetic, Marion is specialized in dermo-cosmetics cares and in make-up. Through "My well-being and beauty journal", she helps you to take care of your face and of your body by providing you her beauty advices.
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