Nit puffers

Every year, lice seem to come back in the playgrounds! Small and highly contagious parasites, lice can be removed simply and effectively by using suitable products as soon as they appear. The presence of lice and nits on the scalp of children as well as adults is usually itchy and requires careful examination of the scalp, nits can be easily mistaken for simple dandruff.

All nits puffers products

Which nit puffer to choose?

To help you get rid of lice quickly, nit puffers are very effective to use as soon as one finds lice.
Your Cocooncenter online French pharmacy offers a selection of nit puffers made with essential oils and vegetable oils to get rid of nits and keep lice away quickly and effectively.
Created in the form of balms, our nit puffers, to be used in addition to anti lice treatments traditional and protects the hair fiber, gets rid of nits and prevents any recurrence. They are applied by massaging the scalp, the back of the neck and behind the ears and then leave it to take action as long as possible, for an optimum effect

You can also find our nit detectors on our online store to help you identify these before going along with the treatment.

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