On Cocooncenter, we bring a great importance to your opinion, that is why we give you the possibility to share it. By giving your review on the products and our shop, you help other customers to make their choice and you help us to improve the quality of our services. Satisfied or disappointed, your experience is precious, share-it !
What our customers tell about us
How to give your review on Cocooncenter?
- After your purchase, you will receive an e-mail. You just need to click on the link "I give my review" to rate your shopping experience.
- Write your review and rate your shopping experience.
- Once your review validated, you will find it on-line to this address: https://ratings.bazaarvoice.com/index.html?merchant=cocooncenter&locale=en_GB

- After your purchase, you will receive an e-mail. Click on the link "I give my review" to rate the product(s). You also have the possibility to write a review directly on the product page by clicking on "Write a review"
- Write your review and rate your shopping experience.
- Your review will be published soon on Cocooncenter.co.uk

Questions / Answers on the reviews
Are the reviews published on Cocooncenter authentic?
The product and customer reviews on Cocooncenter comply with law L111-7-2. Cocooncenter commits to the authenticity of all the notices published.
Cocooncenter called on a trusted third party "Bazaarvoice" in order to manage the collect and moderation before publication of its reviews, in a neutral and impartial manner.
Bazaarvoice guarantees an exhaustive return and in accordance with the feedback from our customers. To guarantee the conformity of reviews, Bazaarvoice's authenticity policy is based on anti-fraud technology and human analysis.
Reviews are collected in order to improve our products. When you post a review on our products, these can be transferred to our teams in order to improve our products and better meet your expectations.
In this context you are likely to be contacted by Cocooncenter.
Are the reviews on Cocooncenter reliable?
All your reviews are published on Cocooncenter without any modification, whether positive or critical, as long as they respect our general conditions of use. To guarantee the authenticity and reliability of these reviews, we work in partnership with Bazaarvoice. Each published review on our site therefore respects Bazaarvoice policy of authenticity.
Are the reviews published on Cocooncenter moderated?
Before publication on the Cocooncenter website, each customer review is moderated by "Bazaarvoice" provider.
There are different reasons for rejecting a review, such as:
- If the review contains abusive or racist comments;
- If the review refers to a competing brand;
- If the review includes a price;
- If the review concerns the wrong product;
- If the review includes personal information such as a phone number or a first and last name.
How to write a review on our shop?
After your purchase, you will receive an e-mail to rate your shopping experience. Just click on the link "I give my review" to write your review and rate your shopping experience.
How to write a review on one or several product(s)?
You have two possibilities to rate a product:
- After your purchase you will receive an e-mail allowing you to rate the product(s). Click on the link "I give my review" to write your review and rate the product.
- You also have the possibility to rate the product directly on its page by clicking on the link "Write a review" or "Be the first to give your review on this product" if the product does not contain any review.
How can I know if my review has been published?
Whether your review is validated, moderated or rejected, Cocooncenter commits to send you an email to notify you of its status.
Can I change my review?
Once you review is published, you don’t have the possibility to change it. In order to guarantee the authenticity and fiability of the reviews, Cocooncenter and Bazaarvoice commit to not change the published reviews.
Only reviews rejected / moderated for non-compliance with our general conditions of use can be modified so that they comply with the conditions of publication. If your review is rejected / moderated, you will receive an email telling you that you can change it. Just click on the link "Change my review" or "Write a new review".
Can I remove my review once published?
Yes, you can ask the removal of a review on Cocooncenter. To proceed to its removal, you need to send us an e-mail to [email protected] by precising : the e-mail address that you have used to let your review, your customer number as well as the review that you want to remove. From the reception of your request, your review will be removed in a delay of 48 hours.