To fight against bad smells while purifying the air at home, essential oils have got it all. Lemon, orange, eucalyptus, chamomile… There are...
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Pimples, dull complexion, redness... You are always on the lookout for the perfect product to hide the little imperfections. During this quest,...
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Just like adults, babies can have a stuffed nose too. A good solution to remedy this? Use a nasal aspirator. This very practical device allows...
Due to the Covid-19 health crisis, hand washing has become very important to fight against the virus. As long as you do it properly! Two...
Due to the health crisis, our life has changed, mainly because of wearing masks. Since November 2, 2020, masks are obligatory for children 6...
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After the age of 25 or 30, the skin sometimes begins to show signs of weakness. Beginning with wrinkles, dark spots, lack of complexion’s...
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Between colic and the cold, conditions for an infant to fall asleep are not always optimal. However, in newborns, proper sleep is essential for...
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We aren’t all the same when it comes to hair. While some people have hair that grows at a rapid-fire speed, others have a tough time getting...
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At a time when being natural is trendy, Marseille soap seems to gradually regain its special place in the bathroom. What is it made of? How...
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Moisturizing is good but having oily skin after it isn’t... Dry oil is the perfect solution to nourish your skin so that it is...