Sugar-free sweets:
a possible alternative to diabetes
Written by Paul Musset, Doctor in Pharmacy | published on | updated on 17/04/2024

Treat yourself to a little treat from time to time, what could be more pleasant. However, sweets have a high sucrose and glucose syrup content. They are therefore prohibited for diabetics since the risk of hyperglycaemia is high. However, the sugar-free sweet is emerging to allow everyone to have fun.
Diabetes and sugar: a dangerous cocktail
A constantly evolving chronic disease
Diabetes is characterised by an excess of glucose in the blood. When fasting blood sugar is 1.26 g / l g or more twice or 2 g / l g or more at any time of day, the disease is diagnosed. Insulin therapy treatment should start, and new eating habits should be adopted.
Diabetes has direct consequences for the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, nervous system and eyesight. Treatment must therefore be followed to the letter to avoid these consequences. Using a specific device, the blood sugar level can be measured daily. In this sense, it is imperative to watch the consumption of carbohydrates.
In France, several million people suffer from diabetes. However, health professionals estimate that several hundred thousand patients are still unaware of this pathology. It is not possible to cure this disease. However, treatment with insulin therapy can limit the level of sugar in the blood.
Differentiate sugar and carbohydrates
Although natural sugar is banned from diabetic diets, carbohydrates must always be part of their diet. These intakes represent 50% of the meals ingested. People with diabetes must make sure the right carbohydrates are included in their diet.
Complex carbohydrates or slow sugars are distinguishable from simple carbohydrates or fast sugars. The role of complex carbohydrates is to provide necessary energy throughout the day. Quick sugars, on the other hand, simply give a one-off energy boost.
Diabetics must above all avoid fast sugars which are rich in fructose or sucrose. To choose foods, they can refer to their glycaemic index. Good foods can thus be chosen.
Food glycaemic index
This value was set up to be able to sort foods according to their consequences on the rise in blood sugar level. Glucose has the most important value with 100. Honey for its part has a glycaemic index of 62 when that of the apple is only 38.
The principle of the glycaemic index allows you to focus only on the right carbohydrates. It is very useful for diabetics who must adopt a specific diet. Among the interesting choices, they can choose vegetables which all have a glycaemic index of less than 15.
Cereals must be selected with care. A diabetic is more likely to choose brown rice, wheat, pasta and whole grain bread. With a glycaemic index of less than 50, however, they provide the energy necessary for the proper functioning of the organism.
Replace sugar with beneficial ingredients
Low calorie sweeteners
Definition: Low-calorie sweeteners are carbohydrates obtained from plants or through the hydrogenation of sugar. They have the same sweetening power as sugar, but do not have the same impact on health. Less calorific, they can be consumed by anyone wishing to keep their figure.
Low calorie sweeteners can however have an impact on the health of diabetics. Mannitol, sorbitol or isomalt are therefore to be avoided even if they have less sugar than sucrose. Consumption causes sugar levels to rise too quickly. For people who suffer from this chronic disease, it is therefore recommended to turn to intense sweeteners.
Intense sweeteners with real sweetness
These sweeteners are obtained through chemical processes. Their composition does not necessarily include carbohydrate or vegetable elements. They are considered intense because their sweetening power is on average 15,000 times than that of sugar.
For diabetics, intense sweeteners provide a sweet taste without increasing the blood sugar level. Aspartame, acesulfame, saccharin or sucralose represent interesting alternatives to sugar. Since their glycaemic index is 0, they are perfect for diabetics. They can be enjoyed without any risk to health.
Focus on stevia, a natural solution
The stevia plant has a sweetening power 300 times that of sugar. It can therefore effectively replace it. With a glycaemic index of 0, it provides an ideal solution for diabetics.
Sweets containing stevia are also appearing. They can therefore be sweets to enjoy throughout the day. This natural solution to avoid depriving yourself of sweets will certainly make you happy.
Sugar-free sweets, good news for diabetics
Sweets containing sweeteners
To allow diabetics to have fun without endangering themselves, some brands specialise in the manufacture of sugar-free sweets. Halter is an example with their sweet product containing of acesulfame. Thanks to the choice of this sweetener, they can be consumed by diabetics.
France's favorite sweets now have their sugar-free version. From harlequins to tart fruit sweets, manufacturers offer a world of possibilities. Delicious Vichy lozenges, licorice gums and menthol sweets are now made with sweeteners.
Original flavours for a sugar-free sweet
Manufacturers of this type of sweet have managed to effectively replace sugar, but also offer interesting flavours. Diabetics can therefore discover star anise, cola or caramel.
This little pleasure can therefore be consumed every day. A coffee flavoured sweet will make the morning even more pleasant. Pine sap and marshmallows represent flavours synonymous with indulgence. Thanks to sweeteners, diabetics can now also consume them daily.
Risk-free pleasure for diabetics
Thanks to the sugar alternative chosen for each of these sweets, diabetics can consume them whenever they want. However, their calorific intake should not be forgotten.
Even if they don't necessarily increase blood sugar, they can throw a diet off balance. Sugar-free sweets should therefore be consumed sparingly. It is above all an occasional pleasure which is now accessible to all. Diabetics or people who are watching their figure can also enjoy without feeling guilty provided they stick to a reasonable consumption.
To be able to consume sweets without dangerously increasing their blood glucose level, diabetics have access to sugar-free products. Thanks to carefully chosen sweeteners, they do not pose any health risks.
The three key points to remember about sugar-free sweets:
- They have a low glycaemic index;
- They are made with sweeteners;
- They are safe for diabetics.