Food supplements for pregnancy and breastfeeding
When pregnancy begins, the recommended vitamin and mineral intake increase as the baby grows. Omega-3, folic acid, iodine and even DHA play a very important role in the development of the fetus. In case of an unbalanced diet and with doctor's consent, food supplements for pregnancy can help ensure sufficient nutrient intake, and curb the appearance of disorders such as nausea, digestive or circulation problems.
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Which supplement to choose during pregnancy?

Before and during the first weeks of pregnancy, food supplements with vitamin B9 (folic acid) is advised. In fact, folic acid helps promote the metabolism of amino acids and to participate in the proper functioning of the nervous system.
Magnesium requirements also increase during pregnancy. Combined with vitamin D, its supplements favor the proper development of the fetus's bones.
Last but not least, iodine will take part in the normal development of the baby's brain, just like DHA.
Check out our range of food supplements for pregnancy made with vitamins, minerals and lactic ferments in the form of capsules, tablets or sachets to help pregnant women experience their pregnancy serenely.