Food supplements for premenstrual syndrome
PMS (Pre-menstrual syndrome) is a group of physical and emotional forms that appear a few days before your period. The symptoms of PMS differ a lot from person to person: mood swings, irritability, abdominal pain, acne or painful breasts are among common forms of PMS. To limit the appearance of these disorders, food supplements for premenstrual syndrome contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous and hormonal system to resume comfort and serenity.

All feminine balance products

Which food supplement for the intimate flora to choose?

The food supplements for the intimate flora that we offer are made with natural ingredients known for their action on the hormonal system. To limit PMS disorders through herbs, you can opt for chaste tree, which helps balance estrogen and progesterone hormones.
To limit the discomfort that can occur in the abdominal region a few days before menstruation, dietary supplements based on yarrow are advised for their decongestant and antispasmodic action.
Last but not least, probiotics are interesting as they take action on the intimate flora, and help restore the microbiota balance.
Discover our range of food supplements for premenstrual syndrome based on chaste tree, yarrow or more probiotics in capsules, tablets, sticks and pills to limit disorders and restore the intimate flora balance.